Want to try your hand at writing your own novel, short story, memoir, or poetry collection? If you're new to the Loft, new to creative writing, or you'd just like the opportunity to meet several Loft teaching artists while sampling genres you're not used to writing in and meeting others interested in doing the same, try out the Loft sampler class!
For one specially reduced price, you'll get a full day of sample classes across genres. You'll get to meet new teaching artists, dabble in new ways of creative expression, find out what Loft classes are like and test the waters of many different genres without having to commit to anything beyond one day—come for the whole day, or stay for just an hour. Your day will look like this**:
9–10 a.m.: Simple Techniques to Develop a Personal Writing Practice with Brenda Hudson
10–11 a.m.: Writing Memoir with Kate Vogl
11 a.m.–noon: Storytelling and Fiction with Harmony Neal
noon–1 p.m.: Break for lunch
1–2 p.m.: Writing Poetry with Jennifer Manthey
2–3 p.m.: The Basics of Screenwriting with Michael Gorrie
3–4 p.m.: What is a class For Readers, anyway? with Lee Oglesby
**genres represented, as well as their presented order, are subject to change; check the website after September 15 for more updated information.